Email Marketing #
Service provider: Klavyio
- File size limit: 5 MB (max, not recommended)
- Timezone: PST
- Email types:
- Image-based
- Image-based w/ Dynamic content
Email Specs:
- Template width: 640px
- Max image asset width: 1280px
- image slices from designers cannot exceed the above limit
- Image file size: 1 MB or less (recommended)
- Supports gif?: Yes
Any image assets provided for Goldie Byrd must not exceed a combined width of 1280px.
If we have a single image slice for a single column in an email, that asset cannot be larger than 1280px or smaller than 640px.
If we have 2 images side by side for a 2-column layout in an email, the combined width of these slices side-by-side cannot exceed 1280px or be smaller than 640px.